How do woodlice tend their young?

Woodlice or pill bug are not insects.Although they are part of the arthropod phylum,which includes insects,they belong tto the crustacean class,which includes creatures such as lobsters and crabs.

Woodlice can be found worldwide from steamy jungles to arid desert,in mountains as well as low lying coastal areas.
Although highly adaptable ,they retain remnants of their oceanic origins,requiruing water to live.

Many species gravitate to damp forest floors or rocky shorelines.Some even breathe through gills.

The essential chore of woodlouse parents is to provide helpless offspring with moisture.
Females carry eggs on the underside of their abdomens in a fluid filled sac until hatching.

The young,closely resembling adults,break free and almost immediately behin scavenging for food.

The tender white bodies of newly hatched woodlice are highly vulnerable.To keep them from harm,the mother woodlouse watches over her young for a short time after they hatch.

If threatened,woodlice roll into a ball.This defensive posture has the added benefit of conserving moisture.

woodlice are efficient scavengers,if we do an experiment of wood lice to keep it with a dead leaf ,

Woodlice begin feeding on a dead leaf as they decimate the leaf  and digest the material,their droppings are the first step in recycling matter.In nature,these droppings would be further broken down by microbes until they resembled soil.

Through these digestive processes,woodlice play a vital role in soil formation.

An overturned woodlouse mother reveals a mass of white eggs carried in an abdominal
Pouch.The eggs hatch after about two weeks and the young break through the transparent membrane to emerge.
Their miniature bodies resemble those of adults.

Some land -based woodlice have gills must be kept moist with a thin film of water.

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