Do bees have a language?

Though honeybees make a vatiety of sounds,they communicate by other means.A worker that finds a patch of nectar-rich flowers can tell other workers how to get there without using sounds.

It dances to tell its audience how far away the flowers are and in which direction  they must fly.

Workers dance only in nests full of other workers,the other crowd round,sometimes joining the dance.because the hive is dark inside,the "watching 'workers get information by feeling the dancer with their antennae and from vibrations through the honeycomb.

Honeybees use three basic dances.One is a wide figure eight called the waggle dance,in which the dancer shakes its abdomen from side to side.The other dances are a round dance and a busy,buzzing dance.

Only the waggle dance tells workers how to find a certain spot.

The round dance excites them to hunt for food near the nest and the workers do the buzzing dance to regulate two different colony activities,foraging and swarming.

Scout bees in a swarm also use the waggle dance to tell about new nesting sites they have seen.

Foraging bees indicate direction,distance and quality of a food source by dancing.
Dancers normally perform on vertical surface in the dark hive.using gravity to stand for the Sun when they tell direction.

If a food source lies towards the sun the dancer waggles  straight up.if the food is off to the right of the sun the bee angles its waggle.It can also convey the distance from the hives to the food,measured by how hard it worked to get there.

To indicate hard work and long distance,the bees adds more waggles and slow the whole dance down.

A lacklustre dance indicates a poor food source,where as an excited one tells of a treasure-trove.

Workers may watch five or more dances before trying to find the food.Even then,fewer than half succeed.

In last spring honeybee nests become crowded with workers,and the cells of the comb fill up with honey and eggs.The old queen leaves the hive with a swarm of workers.They alight on a tree and surround the queen with a temporary shelter that is made entirely of worker bees.

Then workers begin scouting out sites to build a new nest.
The scouts will communicate the location of a potential nest site through a dance.

A worker that has discovered food more than 90 metres away gives specific direction with a waggle dance.It circles halfway around,crosses the circle with a waggle,then completes the circle.
Other workers may dance with it.
When a scout find a food source less than 90 metres.from the hive it danced in a circle.This round dance excites other workers to search nearby but the dance gives no more information about direction or distance.

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