How do spiders capture prey?

Some of the world's 30000 species of spiders capture prey by stalking it or ambushing their victims on the ground but most spin web to capture prey in the air.The silk with which they build the webs comes from special organs in their abdomens called spinnerets.Each spider species spins only one kind of web.Some species like the orb weaver,coat some of their silk with droplets of sticky liquid.Other species use hundreds of threads of dry silk to build a bewildering maze in which insect lose their way.
Different spider tactics are shown below.

              A butterfly is caught in the sticky web of orb weaver Argiope bruennichii.This spider can trap insects as large as grasshoppers.

*Sticky Liquid:
                         Drops of gluey liquid dot the spiral threads but not the spokes of an orb web.Spiders walk on the spokes.

*Types of spider webs:
                             Scientist classify spider web by shapes,some of which are shown below.


Spider webs vary greatly from a simple line web to the complex,every-which way jumble of the cobweb.but all are effective for capturing prey.

*Orb Webs:
                    These best known spider webs are spun by three spider families:
1-The Araneidae

*Funnel Web:
                        Seen on hedges and trees,this web has a maze to trap insects,which then fall into the flat main web below it.

*Sheet Web:
                    Plate-shaped, flat as a sheet,or domed,these webs are spun among roadside grasses or on the tips of tree branches.

                  The strand of a cowweb may seem haphazard but the web is actually fairly regular.Some parts are sticky.

*Vertical line web:
                      The Episinus affinis spider spins two strands and holds them apart,trapping insects on the sticky lower ends.

*Line web:
                    This simple web is a line suspended on several threads between tree
branches.Some species use sticky thread,others do not.

*Spring trap:
                       The triangle spider builds a triangular web,holds the mooring thread,and hauls in the net when prey is caught on it.

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