What are insects?

Insect evolved from invertebrates - animals without backbones.Instead of bones ,insects have a hard exterior skeleton,or
exoskeleton,which they shed and replace as they grow.
Insect are among the oldest creatures on Earth.They evolved from other invertebrates animals without backbone.
More than 35 million years ago.Insect have spread over the entire planet,thriving in habitats ranging from desert to jungle,from hot spring to glacier.With more than a million species identified,Insects are the most successful at survival ,making up about five-sixths of the animals on Earth.Insects from one class in the arthropod phylum,other arthropods include spider,crabs,woodlice and cetipedes.
Starting life as eggs,insects either grow through larval and pupal stages,in which they look very different from the adults they will become or they change from egg to nymph,a stage in which the young look similar to the adults and gradually develop wings as they grow.The typical insect body has three parts ,head ,thorax and abdomen.with six legs and four wings attached to the thorax.
Among flying insects such as cicada,lady bird,crane fly and dragonfly,body structure vary enormously.

Adult insect bodies have three parts: head , thorax and abdomen.

.The head includes mouth, eyes and antennae,
.The thorax usually bears six legs and four wings.
.and the abdomen contains digestive and reproductive organs.

In the course of their lives _which can last from just a few days to 17 years_insects   reproduce quickly and abundantly.

These pages show a possible path of evolution from invertebrates such as earthworms to arthropodes to insects.

What insects live in families?

Some insects merely drop their eggs and fly away.Others the social insects build elaborate homes where colonies of relatives nurse eggs and...