How do insects make sounds?

On a warm summer night,back yards can erupt in a virtual symphony of insect sounds.These sounds are not mere noise.
They are the male insect's way of attracting potential female mates and warning off rivals and predators.

Crickets (below) make sounds by rubbing the ridged edges of their wing covers together.

Grasshoppers rub ridges on their hind legs against other ridges on their abdomen or wing covers.

A grasshopper seeking a mate may make his sound as often as 50 million times in a summer.

Both crickets and grasshoppers rub their wings faster in warmer weather.

The male cicada (below) has a sound organ on his abdomen,along with a hollow resonating chamber that amplifies the sound.

The long horned beetle (below) uses a special sound organ located at the joint between the thorax and abdomen,with it .he makes loud noises intended to warn off potential enemies.

On meeting an enemy,the long horned beetle produces a loud,threatening sound with a sound organ between his thorax and abdomen.

He makes this sound by rasping the thorax across the ridges of the sound.

Vigorous vibration creates a sound loud enough to warm off potential predators.

This beetle also makes other,quieter sound by rubbing together other joints of its body.

What insects live in families?

Some insects merely drop their eggs and fly away.Others the social insects build elaborate homes where colonies of relatives nurse eggs and...